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Disney bans selfie sticks at theme parks

The Walt Disney Company will ban selfie sticks at its theme parks worldwide from July 1st. Disney has become the latest company to ban selfie sticks. Universal Studios was one of the first (second/first/third) companies to ban those sticks. Many museums also ban them (she/their/them). A Disney spokeswoman said the ban had to come because (because/while/but) the sticks were dangerous for customers and workers. People want to enjoy a great day for the entire family, but unfortunately, selfie sticks have become a safety (fun/safety/photo) problem for guests and staff. Disney staff had to shut down a rollercoaster ride for (for/since/ago) nearly an hour because people were using selfie sticks on it. Selfie sticks have become very popular recently. People with mobile cameras use them to take photos of themselves (itself/them/themselves). It seems like everybody (somebody/everybody/nobody) is taking self-portraits to put on social media sites. Even the president of the USA often takes (take/is taking/takes) selfies. However, many people get angry (angry/dangerous/tired) when others use selfie sticks, especially at tourist attractions. In a magazine someone wrote: "Maybe we should (would/should/must not) use the selfie sticks that we're all born with – our arms."


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